日本れー夢式粉彩曼陀羅證書課 Reemu Style Pastel Mandala Certification Course


日本藝術家新沼禮子設計的Reemu Style粉彩曼陀羅,使用粉彩及獨特曼陀羅教學技巧,透過重覆的圖案讓身心放鬆,創造當下的內在色彩,即使沒有繪畫經驗,亦能享受與色彩互動樂趣

The Reemu Style pastel mandala designed by Japanese artist Reiko Shinnuma uses pastels and unique mandala teaching techniques to relax the body and mind through repeated patterns and create the inner color of the moment. Even if you have no painting experience, you can still enjoy it. Color interactive fun




The Reemu Style pastel mandala designed by Japanese artist Reiko Shinnuma uses pastels and unique mandala teaching techniques to relax the body and mind through repeated patterns and create the inner color of the moment. Even if you have no painting experience, you can still enjoy it. Color interactive fun

The contents of the first-level certificate of Dream Pastel Mandala include:

8-pointed, 16-pointed, five-pointed star, six-pointed star, cherry blossom, flower of life mandala